Manifestation of Marketing Ethics in the Market


  • Lina Kazokienė Kaunas University of Technology
  • Regina Virvilaitė Kaunas University of Technology


marketing ethics, breaches, price, distribution, promotion, goods.


This article highlights the basics of marketing ethicsmanifestation in the market. It highlights the concept of ethicsas well as its influence on marketing related decisions, it alsodescribes the main breaches made against marketing ethicsthat influence the elements of the marketing complex: goods,price, distribution and promotion. Marketing ethics is one ofthe little researched areas. Theoretical studies of marketingethics showed that previous work of scholars on this subjecthad no theoretical basis when originality and profoundness isconcerned, scholars analyzed examples of unethical behaviorand researched the responsibility of marketing specialists.The newest literature presents ethical structures, the use ofwhich influenced stimulation of research in the field of marketingethics, enunciation of appropriate subjects and ethicalcharacter of marketing specialists’activities. Currently, requirementsof ethical behavior on marketing specialists areincreasing. Social responsibility is becoming more and moreimportant, because the concept of moral dimensions and ethicsmay determine success or failure of any organization.Problematic issues of ethics may arise at any stage of marketingrelated decision-making, starting from the formulation ofstrategy and ending up with its implementation. Practiceshows that ethical behavior of organizations is useful to themeconomically as well as socially. But all this only manifestsitself in the long run of time, so that is why organizations veryoften choose an economically better solution and do not respectfuture prospects. Introduction of moral values in theprocess of marketing related decision-making shall allow notonly to avoid ethical breaches, but shall also increase competitiveness,good image as well as nurturance of relationshipwith market partners.

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