Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
IF – 2,5 (2023); Q2(Economics)
No active Special Issues
The Rise of Digital Technologies in Reshaping Economic and Business Activities (Submissions until January 31, 2023)
Guest Editors:
Marcin W. Staniewski, University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Muhammad Haseed, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Mohsin Ali, Taylor’s University, Malaysia; University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland
Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices, and resources that generate store, or process data. New digital technologies (internet, fintech, big data, cloud computing, etc.) are used to digitally collect, store, analyze, and share information, as well as transform social interactions. They create benefits and improve economic efficiency, driving innovation and fueling job opportunities and economic growth.
Digital transformation is already having a massive impact on the world economies. For example, Asia's e-commerce revenues grew by approximately 22% to USD 1.4 trillion in 2020. They are estimated to reach USD 1.9 trillion by 2024. By then, Asian economies will account for 61.4% of the global e-commerce market. IMF Senior Economist Tidiane Kinda stated that Asian countries with higher e-commerce penetration are more likely to experience higher GDP growth. Further, digital technologies enable modern economic activities to be more flexible, agile, and smart.
Though the world continues to gain from digital technologies, fully understanding the digital economy remains a challenge because of its complexity. A digitized economy is not only about fintech, the internet, and big data, but also how these advanced technologies can be utilized to maximize opportunities for innovation, the emergence of new business models and processes, as well as smart products and services. Further, digital technologies allow businesses to sell products and services to the global markets. However, people in many developing economies do not have access to basic online services due to poor internet connection, lack of digital devices, socioeconomic barriers, and so on. To create more inclusive digitized economies in developing countries, there needs to be a deep understanding of issues related to trust, privacy, and transparency.
Digital technologies have the potential to drastically change the economic activities of developing economies. However, despite the vast opportunities offered by digital technologies, developing economies have not yet fully grasped their potential for sustainable development. Inadequate skills development, socioeconomic barriers, and poor ICT infrastructure prevent large populations from engaging in the digital economy.
This special issue will contribute insight into how digital technologies can transform economic and business activities. The contributors to this special issue could suggest policies on how rising digital technologies can be utilized to maximize opportunities for innovation and new business models. The contributors may also suggest complementary policies along with sustainable economic policies to create more inclusive digitized economies.
Possible contributors:
This special issue is seeking for unpublished, high quality empirical or theoretical research papers on but are not limited to the following topics:
Authors should submit papers to the special issue by January 31, 2023 via
Special Issue on Eco-innovation and Sustainable Development (Submissions until September 30, 2022)
Guest Editors:
Marcin W. Staniewski, the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Muhammad Haseed, Taylor’s University, Malaysia
Muhammad Sadiq, Taylor's University, Malaysia; University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland
Rapid increase in business activities around the globe exacerbates environmental challenges by significantly increasing the demand for energy. Thus, climate change becomes more disastrous. The continuous high-pace business activities further contribute CO2 to the atmosphere, leading to global warming. Therefore, to address the negative environmental impact, sustainable development is a need of the hour.
Sustainable development has a minimal negative impact or potentially a positive effect on the environment. A business is described as a sustainable or green business if it matches the following four criteria: (a) it incorporates principles of sustainability into each of its business decisions; (b) it supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replace demand for non-green products and/or services; (c) it is greener than traditional businesses; (d) it has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations.
In response to greater environmental challenges, companies have become increasingly interested in practices such as eco-innovation. Eco-innovation is often defined as a sum of actions guided by the perspective of environmental impact reductions. Despite the extensive literature on eco-innovation, researchers have so far paid little attention to the study of eco-innovation and its impact on sustainable development. Therefore, this special issue will provide insight on eco-innovation and sustainable development and sustainable business activities.
This special issue will contribute by providing recommendations on how eco-innovation will impact on sustainable development. The contributors to this special issue could suggest policies to identify the least damaging policies for business activities and growth. The contributors may also suggest complementary policies along with sustainable business policies to curtail the negative impact of environmental degradation policies.
Possible contributors:
This special issue is seeking for unpublished, high quality empirical or theoretical research papers on but are not limited to the following topics:
Authors should submit papers to the special issue by September 30, 2022 via