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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or under consideration in another journal. The paper differs from your own previously published scientific texts.
  • The paper fits the journal focus and scope. The results are based on empirical findings. Journal does not publish literature review papers except papers using bibliometric analysis.
  • The submission file is in a Microsoft Word document prepared using a provided template: download the template here. The formating requirements are provided in the following file: download the requirements file here. The paper must strictly follow the formating requirements.
  • Article length is between 8000 and 12000 words. This includes all text, such as the abstract, references, all text in tables, figures, and appendices.
  • The paper includes article text and authors’ names and surnames, affiliations, acknowledgments referencing all sources of external research funding (if applicable), biographies of all authors.
  • The submission must include these files 1) the paper, 2) the Author(s) Guarantee Form. The form has to be signed by the corresponding author and scanned.
  • To speed up the review process, please consider providing two reviewers for your submission. Please provide the following information about potential reviewers: Name, Surname, email address, affiliation. Consider providing the information in the Comments to the editor field.

Author Guidelines

Article Processing Charges

The Article Processing Charges for VAT payers - 570,25 EUR + VAT (21%) - 690 EUR. 

The Article Processing Charges for non-VAT payers - 570,25 EUR. 

All payments are processed using Kaunas University of Technology's e-commerce platform. Click to enter the online payment system. The guide for online payment systems can be downloaded here. 

General requirements

"Inžinerinė ekonomika-Engineering Economics" journal aims to publish empirical research that tests or extends economics and management theories and contributes to practice.

To be published in the journal, the research must make empirical and theoretical contributions, and the manuscript should highlight the relevance of those contributions to economic development or management practice.

The submission consists of two files: 1) the paper and 2) the author guarantee file.

  • The paper should be prepared following the requirements and using the provided paper template. 
  • The language of the paper is English
  • Articles should be prepared using Microsoft Word
  • All figures should be prepared in black and white only
  • The length of an article should be between 8000 and 12000 words

The structure of the paper should be as follows:

  • Title of the article
  • Name and Surname of all authors
  • Authors' affiliations and their addresses, E-mails
  • Abstract (max 150 words)
  • Keywords (not less than 5)
  • Introduction
  • Sections of the paper which usually include but are not limited to the literature review/theoretical framework, methods, and results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Authors' biographies (a brief professional biography of not more than 100 words should be supplied for each named author)
  • Funding acknowledgement
  • List of references

2. The authors guarantee form

The author's guarantee form should be prepared using the Author's Guarantee Form. It should include all authors of the paper. It should be signed by the corresponding author and submitted with the paper.

Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement provides information about the personal information that the Journal collects, and the ways in which the journal uses that personal information.

Personal information collection

The journal may collect and use personal information that is necessary for the processing and publication of manuscripts submitted to us. This information may include names, affiliation and contact details; including postal address, emails, phone numbers numbers.

Using of personal information

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Any personal information received by the journal will only be used to: process and publish your manuscript.

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  • personalize the website for you;
  • enable your access to and use of the website services;
  • process your manuscript;
  • publish your manuscript;
  • send to you communication about your manuscript
  • send to you statements and invoices;
  • collect payments from you; 
  • send you marketing communications.

Personal information that you submit for publication on the website will be published on the internet if paper is accepted and may be available around the world.

Archiving policy

A paper-printed version of each journal is archived in Lietuvos nacionalinė Martyno Mažvydo biblioteka with a long-term preservation intention.

Updating this statement

The journal may update this privacy policy by posting a new version on this website. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are familiar with any changes. 
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