The Model of Creation of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System


  • Rūta Urbanskienė Kaunas University of Technology
  • Daiva Žostautienė Kaunas University of Technology
  • Virginija Chreptavičienė Kaunas University of Technology


relationship marketing, CRM, CRM models.


The article analyses client relation managementsystem by disclosing the role and place of relationmarketing in formation of CRM theoretical foundations. Itreveals the support of customers’ (organisations orindividual persons) and supplier’s (industrial organisationsor service organisations) relationship based on trust,cooperation, power distribution, communication, commitment,dependence and other features as well as the developmentof customers’ loyalty.The application of relationship marketing theory(model) in the narrower CRM conception is simplyinevitable because customer relationship managementcannot be only the illustration of the relationship, it ismore important to perceive relationship management anddevelopment.The system of customer relationship management ispresented as the system that integrates management ofcustomers’ groups, establishment and management ofmarketing companies by indicating the benefit of CRMsystem for customers and enterprise’s employees.CRM – is everything what it is related to satisfactionof customer’s needs. What actions are needed to startcreating the CRM system? It is necessary to start from thereview of the following questions: what and how you areready to present to your customers, what they expect fromyou and more than expect. Only afterwards it is necessaryto choose necessary technologies, which can help you.The article analyses variants of CRM managementsystem creation by reviewing different models of CRMcreation, the analysis of which allowed envisaging typicalelements of CRM model formation or stages of implementationprocess.Comparative analysis, inductive method was appliedfor the review and analysis of CRM models. The formedCRM implementation model integrates the elements ofcreation, strategy and implementation, which allowed toprepare the structured model.

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