Traditional and Developing Segments of the Sharing Economy from the Point of View of Customers


  • Libena Tetrevova University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
  • Martina Jelinkova University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
  • Simona Munzarova University of Pardubice, Czech Republic



sharing economy, collaborative consumption, P2P sharing, sharing accommodation, carpooling, sharing finances


The sharing economy represents a phenomenon which is increasing in importance as time goes by, even from the point of view of less developed countries. The aim of the study is to evaluate the knowledge of traditional and developing segments of the sharing economy and their platforms and to analyse and evaluate the level of their use employing the example of customers (the younger and the older generation) in one of the post-communist countries – the Czech Republic. Data was collected on the basis of a questionnaire survey (N=614). This was processed using descriptive statistics tools. The study shows that respondents are the most familiar with forms of sharing not only from traditional segments (passenger transportation and accommodation) but also from the financial segment. The best-known platforms include Uber, Airbnb and Zonky. Platforms from traditional segments are used the most. The younger generation has better awareness, both about possible forms of sharing and also about the existing platforms. However, the study did not prove any differences in the level of use of platforms between the younger and older generation.

Author Biographies

Libena Tetrevova, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic

Libena Tetrevova is an Associate Professor in Business and Management Studies at the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology; a researcher in the research group Corporate Social Responsibility and Sharing Economy. Her research interests are focused on corporate social responsibility, university social responsibility, sharing economy and partnership management. ORCID iD 0000-0001-5241-545X.

Martina Jelinkova, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic

Martina Jelinkova is an Assistant Professor in Marketing and Social Communication at the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology. She is a researcher in the research group Corporate Social Responsibility and Sharing Economy. In her scientific work, she focuses on marketing research and social communication. ORCID iD 0000-0003-3115-9770.

Simona Munzarova, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic

Simona Munzarova is an Assistant Professor in Business and Management and Management Science Modelling Studies at the University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology. She is a researcher in the research group Corporate Social Responsibility and Sharing Economy. In her scientific work, she focuses on environmental management and corporate social responsibility. ORCID iD 0000-0002-7886-9596.

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